Enhancing Schema Therapy Skills Working With Complexity, A and B
Date: Friday 19th September, Saturday 20th September and Sunday 21st September 2025
Time: 9 am - 5 pm (UTC time zone)
Duration: 3 Days
Location: ONLINE
Cost: £ 420 or € 503
Module 2: Workshop A
Working with Cluster C (1 day)
This workshop focuses upon approaches to using a Schema Therapy model in working with a range of Cluster C presentations including: Avoidant, OCPD and Dependent Personality Disorders. Topics covered:
Case conceptualisation of Cluster C in modes and schemas
Facilitating an atmosphere of compassion to enable to the client’s Healthy Adult to nurture their Vulnerable Child to feel safe
Tackling avoidance by facilitating emotional connection in the therapeutic dynamic and bypass the Detached Protector
Enabling the Healthy Adult to tackle problematic modes which lead to compliance, inflexibility and reliance upon others.
Creating behavioural change
Promoting fun and playfulness particularly for OCPD
Module 2, Workshop B
Working with Narcissism (1 day)
This workshop highlights ways of working with Narcissistic PD and NPD traits to resource the client and therapist. Topics covered:
Case conceptualisation of schemas and modes in working with Narcissistic PD
The use of the therapeutic relationship in the treatment of NPD. Skills to tackle the Self Aggrandising and Detached Self Soothing modes
Facilitating compassion in the therapist to connect with the client’s Vulnerable Child
Reflecting upon therapist schemas and modes which can get triggered and helping therapists take care of their Vulnerable Child.
Module 2: Workshop C
Working with Axis 1 presentations using a transdiagnostic framework (1 day)
This workshop will aim to outline a transdiagnostic framework for using Schema Therapy to work with a range of difficult to treat presentations where there are chronic enduring mental health issues. In particular there will be a focus upon practicing Schema Therapy with axis I clinical populations i.e. eating disorders, OCD, PTSD and depression.
Topics covered:
Assessment of schemas and coping styles and using questionnaires and imagery for assessment
Case conceptualisation and formulating a shared treatment plan
Outlining treatment structure of Schema therapy from working on a sessional basis to a broader therapy perspective to explore phase specific interventions
Mode and chair work techniques to deal with unhelpful coping modes
The nature of the therapeutic relationship integral to Schema Therapy; core skills including limited re-parenting, imagery and empathic confrontation
Cognitive techniques: pros and cons of schemas, dialogue and flashcards
Homework tasks to consolidate learning for the session
Resourcing therapists to gain insight and deal with their own schema and mode triggers and set clear boundaries. Learning to be aware and authentic as a Schema Therapist using the supervisory alliance.
We aim to have a presenter for every 9 attendees to provide intensive support in coaching to give feedback on practical and experiential skills learning